Monday, July 18, 2005

GeoCaching...get the bug

OK, so I have found a new and very fun thing to do. As most everyone knows by now I have a new toy, my GPS. To get further use out of it I have started doing some GeoCahing.

I heard about it on our last trip to Arkansas. Someone in the family, and for the life I do not remember who (if anyone remembers who it is let me know so that I can thank them), told me about it. It is like a grown up version of "Hide and Seek" where someone hides an object and gives you coordinates to find it.

The nice thing for the kids is that inside of most of these objects are little trinkets for the kids to trade something that they have. We have found several here in town and even a couple down in Nashville.

Well enough about that, time to get back in the woods and look for more hides.


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