Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Ok, so I know that it has been a long time since I updated. Well a lot has happened and I have been kept very busy.

Lets see if I can recap all that has been going on:

April: I participated in both Operation Red light and Operation Swift Sword. Both turned out to be very dusty but we got through them just fine.

May: I was getting ready for R&R leave. I was very ready to go home for a little while. I spent 15 days at home doing chores, eating out and just plain relaxing.

June: I returned from leave on June 1st. 3 days later on the 4th I participated in Operation Iron Choke. Unfortunately when I returned from this mission I found that I had received a Red Cross message. Michelle's father, Peter Benner, was in bad shape and not expected to last much longer. My unit was very helpfull and got me out of Iraq as fast as they could. I was back in the U.S. and in Maine within 24 hours of receiving the message. Peter passed before I could get back to Maine but Michelle was there with him. I spent the next 15 days in Maine before having to return back to Iraq. I am now awaiting my roommate's return which will end the almost 6 months of not having a roommate which has been so nice.

It does not look like it will be very long before I get to enjoy the U.S. again as we will be redeploying soon. I know that once I get back that I will spen a lot of time enjoying the weather and being with family.

This is us getting ready for Operation Iron Choke.

Here is a picture on the way back. Notice the guys in the center.

This is the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse. We took a day trip to the coast to get out of the house.

This is Jason near one of the inlets.