Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Thank a soldier

There are those in society that do not believe in the war that we are fighting. They stand up and protest anything that has to do with the military and those that lead our country. They will blatantly discredit the soldiers who have fought and died so far from their families even though they have never served for their country.

I might not like what they say. I may not believe in what they believe in. I may never want to think of them as a friend. But I still serve for them.

Why do I do this? I do this because I believe that they should have the freedom to say what they believe in. I serve so that every American can have the freedoms that they enjoy right now. I will stand up and deploy to a country that is half way around the world from the family that I love so that they can enjoy these freedoms.

I will sacrifice my freedoms so that others can enjoy theirs. I will endure the hardships of a remote country so that others will never have to. I will celebrate my holidays, anniversaries, and even my child’s birthday, never getting to see their faces for a year, so that others will never have to do the same.

Not many people understand the sacrifices that the men and women of the armed forces go through. Those that serve will have a view of the world that many people will never understand. Those that see a service member will never fully comprehend what that person has done for them.

The next time you see a soldier do something for them to let them know that you appreciate all they do. All it takes is a simple thank you to help remind them that the people back home appreciate all that they do.


At Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said!!! If some of these protestors would haul their butts over there for just one week maybe they would be capable of doing something besides sitting at home complaining.


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