Food For the Soul
I enjoy cooking. Even more I enjoy watching others cook.
Alton Brown This guy has to be one of the funniest guys in the cooking show business
Rachael Ray is a down-to-earth italian cook who cooks like 90% of the population.
Who needs Strawberries in Spiced Wine with Olive Oil-Flavored Ice Cream? It takes 4 1/2 hours for a professional chef to make, which means about 8 hours for me. Also, if I had a professional chef to make it for me it would probably taste delicious but it would taste like crap when I would make it.
These Guys (Alton Brown and Rachael Ray) make things like Crunchy Vanilla-Almond French Toast with Fancy Fruit Topping and Stuffed Grilled Pork Chops that each take less than 45 minutes to make and even when I make it, taste great.
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